* * *

Not a movement in the branches of our big syntactic tree,
Our case in-situ valued: Nom. for you and Acc. for me,
With the verb that theta-marks you, you do not have to agree,
Existential's our closure in our cozy small vP.

But a [person] feature beckons, for agreement should be free,
My sweet subject is attracted by the eerie EPP.
The design specifications are not perfect, now I see,
And your trace, a pale copy, marks the phase peripherie.

The exploded IP won't let me take scope over you,
ContP, AspP, ModP, TP, or Kayne's Ps of W...
Though in French me is a clitic, and has scrambling Japanese -

objects do not move in English! so the cruel Noam decrees.
But [+love] will A-bar move me, over Cinque's many I's,
And will let me c-command you, for me can topicalize!

Home (absolute)